Stylish, Fully Furnished Modular Homes

Assembled in Days

HOMErs produce, high quality, stylish, fully furnished and ready to live in homes for both social and lifestyle living. These innovative homes are designed to be space efficient and are delivered with everything you need internally and externally, and can be assembled in days.

Modular Homes Connected to all Utilities

A HOMErs home is a complete solution for the end-user. It comes with a fully finished interior, high-quality furniture, and is easily connected to all essential utilities. It also includes all the necessary appliances like a refrigerator, washing machine, integrated stove, and microwave. It is thus a turnkey solution for modern living, ready to be occupied as soon as assembly is complete.

Sustainable Homes

HOMErs is also in advanced design of a 100% eco version. This home will be independent of utilities infrastructure, including inter alia, an integrated solar panel and battery-based energy management system. Consequently, it should be occupied with a net-zero carbon footprint.

Ukrainian family smiling in-front of new homers home
homers social home in Ukraine being built
homers social home in Ukraine built next to the wreckage of a Ukrainian home
interior bedroom of a Ukrainian home
homers builder constructing a modular home in Ukraine
interior kitchen of a Ukrainian home
Ukrainian home construction
interior kitchen of a Ukrainian home